Thursday 11 July 2013

I've Moved (just me, not the blog)!

Well, I've finally finished moving. It ended up taking a lot longer than expected, since the first place we were scheduled to move into didn't turn out and we ended up having to move again 3 weeks later. Yikes! But at least everything was still packed I guess.

Anyway, we finally got moved in a couple weeks ago. There's still a few boxes to go (waiting for my mom to come visit with her SUV so I can get my bookshelves from IKEA). However, there is exciting news! We've gone from a one bedroom apartment to a two bedroom townhouse, which means a lot more space. And my wonderful boyfriend agreed to let me make the second bedroom into a sewing room. I am beyond happy about it!

So I thought I share a couple pictures of my new space. It's still a disaster of boxes, but I've gotten my table, sewing machine and iron set up and have finally been able to do a bit of sewing in the past couple days. Working on my sassy librarian blouse (hopefully wearable) muslin. I'm new to the Craftsy platform, but so far I like it. It's a bit slower to watch the video compared to reading a pattern, but I enjoy being able to watch her techniques. Advanced sewers might get bored with explanations for beginners, but for where I am now it works great. Except I don't have enough plugins to plug in my laptop, so I can only sew for as long as the battery lasts. The bf said he will get me a powerbar though, then I can sew all night! Also, if you look closely in the closet, you can see my newest sewing toy, which I'll show off to all of you next week.

Finally, I just wanted to mention that along with getting a new place to live, I also got a new job! It's exciting and nerve-wracking all at once (I haven't started at a new job since 2009). I'm going from being a student to working 9-5 through May, June and half of July to my new job, where I'll be working 12 hour shifts 7 days on/7 days off alternating days and nights. You guys! This means I get a week off every other week! There will be entire DAYS of sewing! I'm super excited. Here's hoping I can handle the night shift! My first day is Monday! Expecting a bit of a bittersweet last day at the old job tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the new position!! That work schedule does sounds amazing! Hope you get used to the late shift, soon!
